Seamlessly Arrange

Unforgettable Experiences In Home

Browse and Book the Best Experiences
Epicurate specializes in luxury experiences — crafted in your private home or private vacation property. Simply enter your location, date, and number of guests. Epicurate makes it easy to browse a variety of menus created by our collection of chefs. Customize the meal according to the preferences, style, dietary restrictions, and theme of your event.
When you've found an experience that speaks to you - book instantly knowing you have found the best providers available! And if there are any special requests or anything else that needs the attention of your private chef, our concierges are here to help you create the perfect evening.
Enjoy a Deliciously Memorable Experience
Enjoy an exquisite meal prepared right in the comfort of your home or vacation rental by a professional private chef! Not only will they gather all the ingredients needed, but many can also provide you and your guests with entertaining cooking lessons and other services. Why go out to a restaurant when you can bring the best table in town to your own home?
Whether you need an intimate setting for two or are hosting an event for large groups, we provide everything necessary to make your dining experience special. After our chefs and servers work their magic, they'll even handle the cleaning up so that all you must do is savor delicious food with wonderful company.

Epicurate Makes Booking a Experiences as Easy as Making a Restaurant Reservation

Vacation Rentals
Relax and enjoy 5-star dining while making the most of your beautiful vacation home
Elevated Celebrations
Enhance your event with an unforgettable Epicurate dining experience
Dinner Parties
Impress your guests with a thoughtful menu and professional table service
Seamless. Perfect.
Book and customize an unforgettable experience at home or when you travel